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Feather's Homebrew Worldbuilding Thread (open invitation to homebrew campaigns)

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Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Knight of Boops
Geez, It’s been a while hasn’t it? Sorry about that everyone, a whole bunch of stuff happened at once. >.<  
First it was personal drama stuff (I’ll spare you all the whinny details), then I was working on something for Acres. And now that I finally have a moment spare to post, a mini cyclone comes through and yeets half my state’s entire power grid.  
So, if you’re wondering why I haven’t been here…that’s why. Sorry everyone. 3:  
Now let’s get back into it shall we?
One of the oldest schisms in elvendom was the initial split between the original High Elves, and those now known as the Wood Elves. According to myth, the then-young and burgeoning race was faced with the decision to leave the Ur-Wood unspoiled, or to take command of the world’s first Empire. A small portion of their kind chose the former, earnest in their beliefs but marginalized by the vast swaths of the population. They decided simply to leave and multiply in the peace and quiet, leaving their wayward cousins to their own devices, and came to be known as the Velden’el’ven.
Millennia passed, the High Elves came to power, warred with dragons, fell into the sea and younger races came to take their place. All the while the Ur-Wood was whittled away by the changing of the land, the passing of time…until eventually it was all gone, save for a small grove that now lies at the heart of the Wood Elves’ claimed domain. Other forests remain of course, but outside of that grove none of them are the original Ur-Trees.
Though they had remained sequestered and peaceful for a time, the continued scourge of the woods had slowly changed the Wood Elves. After centuries of deforestation, they grew protectionist and barred others from the woods, violently if needed be. They ceased all interaction with outsiders and as they were pushed further and further back their songs changed from mourning odes and requiems to the slow beating of war drums. It was clear, they said, that the other races simply could not live in the world in its natural state, unfit to survive. They were a pestilence, a disease that needed to be scoured from the face of the earth, so that the woods of old could rise again, and the world returned to its natural state. The hatred of the Velden’el’ven does not stop with the young mortal races, their long distant cousins share no small amount of blame for the “desecration” of the Ur-Wood, and who spurned their kind so long ago.
And thus, the Wood Elves completed their transition from a peaceful, tribal nature-cult to a violent, expansionist empire. Their efforts to restore the Ur-Wood have terraformed the land under their control into something unrecognisable to the young races, and despite seemingly like a verdant paradise it is utterly hostile to all except it’s caretakers, or life suited to live within. Towering forests driven mad with rage provide the mildew needed to feed the toxic spawning pools that give birth to vast swarms of kython, as well as providing sustenance for the elves’ companion beasts, known only as the Tane. Hungry gnarled vines lacerate and strangulate outsiders, dragging them into the earth for sustenance, to say nothing of violent treants and other supernatural entities that choose to share custodianship with these woods.
Contemporary scholars note that such terrain bares such an alien quality to the world, that the Ur-Wood may have been akin to another plane, or this new attempt has suffered some kind of spiritual corruption that results in such twisted creations hateful to all other life. Far from any kind of obstacle for the Wood Elves, these nightmare woods appear to conspire with their custodians, providing ease of access and even beneficial mutations to their form…although outsiders would question whether the benefits are mutual for both parties, or merely for the woods. Other races are warned to steer clear, as those who dare enter the Elven Woods return either slavering, mindless beastmen…or more often, not at all.
OKAY! There we go everyone…before I finish talking about ELVES I’ll need to make lore posts about the kython and the Tane to explain what the hell those are. Don’t worry, I’ll get to it I swear.
It’s good to be back, y’all! Take care out there~ :3
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