Traditional Art Appreciation Thread

Poll results: Should ChatGPT (and all derivatives threof) be banned?

66.67% 2 votes
33.33% 1 vote
0.00% 0 votes
Of Course!
0.00% 0 votes

Poll ends . 3 votes cast so far.

Twilight Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based

Princess of GREGGS
In light of increasing criticism of non-digital art forms and the looming threat of their being crowded out by AI-generated trash, we should take some time to appreciate and discuss the merits of traditional art forms, and demonstrate that rather than being “degenerate and outdated,” the traditional forms are in fact wholesome, timeless, and very much appreciated by those of us who aren’t philistines.
TLDR: post ponies in pencil, pen, watercolor, etc. or talk about said art styles.
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