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(Non-MLP)Fandom Art

Art Chat » (Non-MLP)Fandom Art Search Posts
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Yep, plenty of it! When I have enough time, I might show one or a few per day because I want to hear some comments.
Here is a picture based on my current sci-fi WIP, “Dva ili Tri”, set in the advanced kingdom of Bujan. It displays several shrines to the Slavic gods and the domovoi (house-wights): more specifically, the most popular deities in Bujan.
Jarilo - god of trees venerated by farmers and Ontemazei (plant people and liberated slaves)
Svetovid - four-headed war god, national god of Bujan
Svarog - god of the Sun, creation, the forge, and science, venerated by scientists and researchers
Morskoi - god of the sea, venerated by sailors, fisherfolk, and travellers.
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Quiet Horse Addict
I don’t do art outside of mlp often, and if I do its either sonic or pokémon related. I used to be in the sonic fandom many years ago as I made Sonic Generations speedruns back then, still keep an eye out on whatever sonic stuff comes out. I never participated in pokémon stuff though, the the last game of which I played was Black 1 and 2, and ever since pokemon moved to the 3DS I pretty much lost track (as I never owned a 3DS). I got somewhat in the Sword and Shield wagon which got me a little nostalgic, but never actually bought the game itself.
Chip from Sonic Unleashed (still my favorite sonic game):  
Bunch of eeveelution sketches:  
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Chang Shong is a farmboy who dreams of being a sports champion. Encouraged by his Dad and his bros, he took up jousting training, and over the years he won a medal in a jousting contest. He and his friends later followed his Dad to rescue his pet unicorn from the Wannaenids who kidnapped him, and they fought their way out of the Wannaenids’ lair.
As an Asian myself, I kind of feel proud making this character because him being an Asian jock would break a stereotype.
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Someone on DeviantArt has requested alot of Happy Tree Friends art. I’ve never drawn them before but I like how this one turned out.
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Ozrintar is one of two major religions in the Novantir civilisation, now known as the Malendor Supercorporation. The aliens who practice the religion worship Odin as the god of knowledge and science, and they honour the one-eyed god with scientific research and technology.
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Monika from DDLC is very angry at Huggy Wuggy the Maine Coon, for being such a stupid brute who eats dolls, yells and screams for no reason.
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