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Problems with DNP artists

Finn Mertens
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Artist -

I’m human! So what?
I’ve been getting really annoyed about some artists having an “artist upload only” DNP and yet they never upload anything again. Like Badumsquish and PapaDragon for example. They have DNP lists and they haven’t uploaded anything since whenever their last uploads. I get that artists are allowed to restrict their work from being posted if they want. But I can’t tell if they’ve forgotten that they have accounts here or what. But I really wish they would post their stuff here more.
Anonymous #ABC2
Could be, keep in mind that a lot of them also opened an account here with the intent of using both sites, but then they didn’t. It happens all the time. For recent examples look I’ve lost count of the number of artists who opened up new accounts here, there, and every where every time Twitter does something stupid only to keep using Twitter after a month. So many abandoned Tumblr, Newgrounds, Mastadon, Pillowfort, and itaku.ee accounts…

Mmm, Warcrimes
@Anonymous #ABC2
If they’re too bitchwhipped to stop actually using somewhere when it fucks them over, then nothing of value was lost.
Especially twatter. Actual concentrated brainrot camp. Only downside is saving pony from there, but with the accelerated furtaint that happens, usually not a concern for long.
Finn Mertens
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Artist -

I’m human! So what?
And they are completely oblivious of how toxic Derpibooru is and the reason why so many people have left that horrible site.and the description they give for Badumsquish’s artist tag makes it sound like they are treating him as an honorable person on their site like as if he was important to their site. But literally he’s just like everyone else who is an artist and I don’t see what makes him anymore special than other artists. They can make the prettiest kinds of art you can find. But that doesn’t automatically make him an absolute genius of an artist.
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