THE fimfetch foalcon advisory List!

Anonymous #EF11
@Anonymous #6874
Holy shit, the followup on that. Databyte calling a guy out for getting an Apogee plush, while himself having Scoots plushies and following Shino on DA. Guess we know more Databyte lore, he must like to pretend plushies are the real deal in bed.

If anyone has any questions about Data or DaringShepard I can do my best to answer them. I worked with both of them for several years on Bronytales.
Artist -

Banned from 3 Discords
So, i got a discord DM last night from one of manechat’s mods with an invite to manechat, but said invite doesnt work funnily enough lol
Anonymous #F5E1
Wasn’t aware if there were any other archives. Forgot how I even found out about fimfetch. Got worried it was all gone for good because I couldn’t find one of the stories one day and noticed all foalcon stuff was just gone from it. Only used it maybe all of three times. Glad to see archival is still alive and well. Now if we could just get a read-only tags version of fimfiction story archiving on here and the other boorus, I’d feel a lot better. I feel like it shouldn’t be too hard with having some sort of semi-separate site-linking for that different content and retaining file names and file types like on fimfiction. But then again I know nothing about coding.
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