Revision history for Spoiler Guidelines

Luzion<div class="walloftext"> <div class="block block--fixed block--warning"> <h3>The short version</h3> <p> For spoilers relating to an upcoming season in general, be it meta or sketches or screenshots, use the <strong>spoiler:s09</strong> tag (for season 9 in this example). </p> <p> For spoilers relating to an upcoming episode, use the <strong>spoiler:s09e01</strong> tag (for season 9, episode 1 in this example). </p> </div> <p>Our spoiler policy is basically to help ensure that nobody gets spoiled by content on the site. While on other sites there's often just a 'spoiler' tag we're being a little more specific with our tags to help people filter with more granularity.</p> <p>The spoiler tag names are based on convention, which is to address seasons and episode by number, preceded by s or e as appropriate. For instance, season 9 episode 3 would be s09e03.</p> <p>Seasonal spoiler tags omitting the episode number can be used for more general spoilers that can't be directly related to an episode. These will be site-wide revealed shortly after the first episode is aired. Ideally, season tags should be replaced with episode tags when possible.</p> <p>If in doubt, add spoiler tags - even marginal spoilers should be appropriately tagged.</p> </div>